Has the mysterious rise in relentless illnesses uncovered the covert use of mosquitoes as a vaccine bioweapon delivery system?

I have a few important questions for you that may shed light on some concerning developments.

Do you personally know anyone who has recently fallen ill with a mysterious sickness that just won’t quit? I’m talking about the sudden onset of cyclical symptoms like high fever, profuse sweating, violent vomiting, inability to keep down food/fluids, and dramatic weight loss — feeling better briefly, only to relapse again.


For months now, many of my friends have instantly fallen ill with severe, cyclical symptoms that come on suddenly without clear exposure. Many of my friends had not been out in public for extended periods, making typical person-to-person transmission of a contagious illness less likely.

The relapsing, cyclical nature of the illness is reminiscent of some mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever, which can cause an initial fever that improves before worsening again. Severe dengue, in particular, is characterized by persistent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and rapid breathing.

Symptoms of Dengue fever include:

  1. High fever (40°C/104°F)
  2. Severe headache
  3. Pain behind the eyes
  4. Muscle, joint, and bone pain
  5. Nausea and vomiting
  6. Fatigue
  7. Swollen glands


The concept of using genetically modified mosquitoes to deliver vaccines has been researched, with some trials using mosquitoes to deliver candidate malaria vaccines.

While we are being told the EPA has approved the release of over 2 billion genetically modified mosquitoes developed by Oxitec in Florida and California to “control mosquito populations,” I have to wonder if this is simply the cover story.

Officially, no mosquito-delivered vaccines are currently “approved for use,” but why would pesky approval stop the likes of Bill Gates from releasing “flying syringes?”